Source code for gerrychain.updaters.locality_split_scores

# Imports
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import networkx as nx
import math
from typing import List

[docs]class LocalitySplits: """ Computes various splitting measures for a partition Can be used to compute how a districting plan splits against any static attribute. The prototypical example is to consider how a districting plan subdivides counties or municipalities, but other units, such as city neighborhoods, state legislative districts, or Census tracts could be treated as 'localities' Example usage:: # Assuming your nodes have attributes "countyID" # with (for example) the name of the county that # node lies in and a population attribute "pop": county_splits = LocalitySplits( "countysplits", "countyID", "pop", ["num_parts", "symmetric_entropy","power_entropy"], pent_alpha = 0.8 ) # Assuming you already have a graph and assignment: partition = Partition( graph, assignment, updaters={"county_splits" : county_splits} ) # The updater returns an dictionary instance, which # at each step of the chain has the name of the score # and its value at that step :ivar name: The name of the updater (e.g. "countysplits") :type name: str :ivar col_id: The name of the column containing the locality attribute (i.e. county ids, municipality names, etc.) :type col_id: str :ivar pop_col: The name of the column containing population counts. :type pop_col: str :ivar scores_to_compute: A list/tuple/set of strings naming the score functions to compute at each step. This will generally be some subcollection of ```['num_parts', 'num_pieces', 'naked_boundary', 'shannon_entropy', 'power_entropy', 'symmetric_entropy', 'num_split_localities']``` :type scores_to_compute: List[str] :ivar pent_alpha: A number between 0 and 1 which is passed as the exponent to :meth:`~LocalitySplits.power_entropy` :type pent_alpha: float :ivar localities: A list containing the unique locality identifiers (e.g. county names, municipality names, etc.) for the partition. This list is populated using the locality data stored on each of the nodes in the graph. :type localities: List[str] :ivar localitydict: A dictionary mapping node IDs to locality IDs. This is used to quickly look up the locality of a given node. :type localitydict: Dict[str, str] :ivar locality_splits: A dictionary mapping district IDs to a counter of localities in that district. That is to say, this tells us how many nodes in each district are of the given locality type. :type locality_splits: Dict[int, Counter[str]] :ivar locality_splits_inv: The inverted dictionary of locality_splits :type locality_splits_inv: Dict[str, Dict[int, int]] :ivar allowed_pieces: A dictionary that maps each locality to the minimum number of districts that locality must touch. This is computed using the ideal district population. NOT CURRENTLY USED. :type allowed_pieces: Dict[str, int] :ivar scores: A dictionary initialized with the key values from the initializer's scores_to_compute parameter. The initial values are set to none and are updated in each call to store the compted score value for each metric of interest. :type scores: Dict[str, Any] """ def __init__( self, name: str, col_id: str, pop_col: str, scores_to_compute: List[str] = ["num_parts"], pent_alpha: float = 0.05, ): """ :param name: The name of the updater (e.g. "countysplits") :type name: str :param col_id: The name of the column containing the locality attribute (i.e. county ids, municipality names, etc.) :type col_id: str :param pop_col: The name of the column containing population counts. :type pop_col: str :param scores_to_compute: A list/tuple/set of strings naming the score functions to compute at each step. This should be some subcollection of ```['num_parts', 'num_pieces', 'naked_boundary', 'shannon_entropy', 'power_entropy', 'symmetric_entropy', 'num_split_localities']```. Default is ["num_parts"]. :type scores_to_compute: List[str], optional :param pent_alpha: A number between 0 and 1 which is passed as the exponent to :meth:`~LocalitySplits.power_entropy`. Default is 0.05. :type pent_alpha: float, optional """ = name self.col_id = col_id self.pop_col = pop_col self.pent_alpha = pent_alpha self.localities = [] self.localitydict = {} self.locality_splits = {} self.locality_splits_inv = {} # A dictionary containing the number minimum number # of districts which a locality must touch. I.e. if # the ideal district population is 10,000 and a # locality has 35,000 people, then that locality # must be in at least four districts. Not # presently used to compute any score functions, # but may be useful for future development or # certain use cases. self.allowed_pieces = {} self.scores = dict.fromkeys(scores_to_compute) def __call__(self, partition): if self.localities == []: self.localitydict = dict(partition.graph.nodes(data=self.col_id)) self.localities = set(list(self.localitydict.values())) locality_splits = { k: [self.localitydict[v] for v in d] for k, d in } self.locality_splits = {k: Counter(v) for k, v in locality_splits.items()} self.locality_splits_inv = defaultdict(dict) for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): for k2, v2 in v.items(): self.locality_splits_inv[k2][k] = v2 if self.allowed_pieces == {}: allowed_pieces = {} totpop = 0 for node in partition.graph.nodes: totpop += partition.graph.nodes[node][self.pop_col] num_districts = len( for loc in self.localities: sg = partition.graph.subgraph( n for n, v in partition.graph.nodes(data=True) if v[self.col_id] == loc ) pop = 0 for n in sg.nodes(): pop += sg.nodes[n][self.pop_col] allowed_pieces[loc] = math.ceil(pop / (totpop / num_districts)) self.allowed_pieces = allowed_pieces for s in self.scores: if s == "num_parts": self.scores[s] = self.num_parts(partition) if s == "num_pieces": self.scores[s] = self.num_pieces(partition) if s == "naked_boundary": self.scores[s] = self.naked_boundary(partition) if s == "shannon_entropy": self.scores[s] = self.shannon_entropy(partition) if s == "power_entropy": self.scores[s] = self.power_entropy(partition) if s == "symmetric_entropy": self.scores[s] = self.symmetric_entropy(partition) if s == "num_split_localities": self.scores[s] = self.num_split_localities(partition) return self.scores
[docs] def num_parts(self, partition) -> int: """ Calculates the number of unique locality-district pairs. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: The number of parts, i.e. the number of unique locality-district pairs. :rtype: int """ counter = 0 for district in self.locality_splits.keys(): counter += len(self.locality_splits[district]) return counter
[docs] def num_pieces(self, partition) -> int: """ Calculates the number of pieces. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: Number of pieces, where each piece is formed by cutting the graph by both locality and district boundaries. :rtype: int """ locality_intersections = {} for n in partition.graph.nodes(): locality = partition.graph.nodes[n][self.col_id] if locality not in locality_intersections: locality_intersections[locality] = set( [partition.assignment.mapping[n]] ) locality_intersections[locality].update([partition.assignment.mapping[n]]) pieces = 0 for locality in locality_intersections: for d in locality_intersections[locality]: subgraph = partition.graph.subgraph( [ x for x in[d] if partition.graph.nodes[x][self.col_id] == locality ] ) pieces += nx.number_connected_components(subgraph) return pieces
[docs] def naked_boundary(self, partition) -> int: """ Computes the number of cut edges inside localities (i.e. the number of cut edges with both endpoints in the same locality). :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: The number of cut edges within a locality. :rtype: int """ cut_edges_within = 0 cut_edge_set = partition["cut_edges"] for i in cut_edge_set: vtd_1 = i[0] vtd_2 = i[1] county_1 = self.localitydict.get(vtd_1) county_2 = self.localitydict.get(vtd_2) if county_1 == county_2: # not on county boundary cut_edges_within += 1 return cut_edges_within
[docs] def shannon_entropy(self, partition) -> float: """ Computes the shannon entropy score of a district plan. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: Shannon entropy score. :rtype: float """ total_vtds = 0 for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): for x in list(v.values()): total_vtds += x entropy = 0 for locality_j in self.localities: # iter thru locs to get total count tot_county_vtds = 0 # iter thru counters for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): v = dict(v) if locality_j in list(v.keys()): tot_county_vtds += v[locality_j] inner_sum = 0 q = tot_county_vtds / total_vtds # iter thru districts to get vtds in county in district # for district in range(num_districts): for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): # counter = dict(locality_splits[district+1]) count = dict(v) if locality_j in count: intersection = count[str(locality_j)] p = intersection / tot_county_vtds if p != 0: inner_sum += p * math.log(1 / p) entropy += q * (inner_sum) return entropy
[docs] def power_entropy(self, partition) -> float: """ Computes the power entropy score of a district plan. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: Power entropy score. :rtype: float """ total_vtds = 0 # count the total number of vtds in state for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): for x in list(v.values()): total_vtds += x entropy = 0 for locality_j in self.localities: # iter thru locs to get total count tot_county_vtds = 0 # iter thru counters for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): v = dict(v) if locality_j in list(v.keys()): tot_county_vtds += v[locality_j] inner_sum = 0 q = tot_county_vtds / total_vtds # iter thru districts to get vtds in county in district # for district in range(num_districts): for k, v in self.locality_splits.items(): # counter = dict(locality_splits[district+1]) count = dict(v) if locality_j in count: intersection = count[str(locality_j)] p = intersection / tot_county_vtds if p != 0: inner_sum += p ** (1 - self.pent_alpha) entropy += 1 / q * (inner_sum - 1) return entropy
[docs] def symmetric_entropy(self, partition) -> float: # IN PROGRESS """ Calculates the symmetric entropy score. Warning:: This function is previously marked incomplete. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: The symmetric square root entropy score. :rtype: float """ district_dict = dict( for district in district_dict.keys(): vtds = district_dict[district] locality_pop = {k: 0 for k in self.localities} for vtd in vtds: locality_pop[self.localitydict[vtd]] += partition.graph.nodes[vtd][ self.pop_col ] district_dict[district] = locality_pop district_dict_inv = defaultdict(dict) for k, v in district_dict.items(): for k2, v2 in v.items(): district_dict_inv[k2][k] = v2 # how do districts split localities? score = 0 for district in district_dict.keys(): localities_and_pops = district_dict[district] total = sum(localities_and_pops.values()) fractional_sum = 0 for locality in localities_and_pops.keys(): fractional_sum += math.sqrt(localities_and_pops[locality] / total) score += total * fractional_sum # how do localities split districts? for locality in district_dict_inv.keys(): districts_and_pops = district_dict_inv[locality] total = sum(districts_and_pops.values()) fractional_sum = 0 for district in districts_and_pops.keys(): fractional_sum += math.sqrt(districts_and_pops[district] / total) score += total * fractional_sum return score
[docs] def num_split_localities(self, partition) -> int: """ Calculates the number of localities touching 2 or more districts. :param partition: The partition to be scored. :type partition: :class:`~gerrychain.Partition` :returns: The number of split localities, i.e. the number of localities touching 2 or more districts. :rtype: int """ total_splits = 0 for v in self.locality_splits_inv.values(): if len(v) > 1: total_splits += 1 return total_splits