Getting started with GerryChain

This guide will show you how to start generating ensembles with GerryChain.

What you’ll need

Before we can start running Markov chains, you’ll need to:

  • Install gerrychain from PyPI. See the installation guide for instructions.

  • Download this example json of Pennsylvania’s VTDs.

  • Open your preferred Python environment (e.g. JupyterLab, IPython, or a .py file in your favorite editor) in the directory containing the PA_VTDs.json file that you downloaded.

Throughout this guide, we will assume that the user is working with a jupyter notebook or a python script file (a *.py file). We will also assume that the end user is working through this guide is familiar with, but still relatively new to Python.

Also please note that, while this guide makes use of the “propose_random_flip” proposal function, this is not the only proposal function available in GerryChain (in fact, it is the one that we use the least). We are only using it here because it provides for a simple example of how to run a Markov chain.


If you are having any trouble getting the materials on this tutorial to work, please consult the installation guide first, and then, if you’re still having issues, feel free to send us a message at code[at]mggg[dot]org.

Creating the initial partition

In order to run a Markov chain, we need an adjacency Graph of our VTD geometries and Partition of our adjacency graph into districts. This Partition will be the initial state of our Markov chain.

from gerrychain import Graph, Partition
from gerrychain.updaters import Tally, cut_edges

# Load the graph in from the provided json file
graph = Graph.from_json("./PA_VTDs.json")

# Set up the initial partition object
initial_partition = Partition(
        "population": Tally("TOT_POP", alias="population"),
        "cut_edges": cut_edges,

Here’s what’s happening in this code block.

The Graph.from_json() classmethod creates a Graph of the precincts. By default, this method copies all of the data columns from the shapefile’s attribute table to the graph object as node attributes. The contents of this particular shapefile’s attribute table are summarized in the mggg-states/PA-shapefiles GitHub repo.

Then, we create a Partition of the graph. This will be the starting point for our Markov chain. The Partition class takes three arguments:


A graph.


An assignment of the nodes of the graph into parts of the partition. This can be either a dictionary mapping node IDs to part IDs, or the string key of a node attribute that holds each node’s assignment. In this example we’ve written assignment="2011_PLA_1" to tell the Partition to assign nodes by their "2011_PLA_1" attribute that we copied from the shapefile. This attributes holds the assignments of precincts to congressional districts from the 2010 redistricting cycle.


An optional dictionary of “updater” functions. Here we’ve provided an updater named "population" that computes the total population of each district in the partition, based on the "TOT_POP" node attribute from our shapefile, and a cut_edges updater. This returns all of the edges in the graph that cross from one part to another, and is used by propose_random_flip to find a random boundary node to flip.

With the "population" updater configured, we can see the total population in each of our congressional districts.

for district, pop in initial_partition["population"].items():
    print(f"District {district}: {pop}")

(the “f” before the string here marks this as a formatted string, and we use this to make printing combinations of strings and variable values a bit easier) This code will print out something like the following:

District 3: 706653
District 10: 706992
District 9: 702500
District 5: 695917
District 15: 705549
District 6: 705782
District 11: 705115
District 8: 705689
District 4: 705669
District 18: 705847
District 12: 706232
District 17: 699133
District 7: 712463
District 16: 699557
District 14: 705526
District 13: 705028
District 2: 705689
District 1: 705588

Notice that partition["population"] is a dictionary mapping the ID of each district to its total population (that’s why we can call the .items() method on it). Most updaters output values in this dictionary format.

And that is it! From here, you can move on to configuring and

Running a chain

Now that we have our initial partition, we can configure and run a Markov chain. Let’s configure a short Markov chain to make sure everything works properly.

from gerrychain import MarkovChain
from gerrychain.constraints import single_flip_contiguous
from gerrychain.proposals import propose_random_flip
from gerrychain.accept import always_accept

chain = MarkovChain(

To configure a chain, we need to specify five objects.


A function that takes the current state and returns new district assignments (“flips”) for one or more nodes. This comes in the form of a dictionary mapping one or more node IDs to their new district IDs. Here we’ve used the propose_random_flip proposal, which proposes that a random node on the boundary of one district be flipped into the neighboring district.


A list of binary constraints (functions that take a partition and return True or False) that together define which districting plans. are valid. Here we’ve used just a single constraint, single_flip_contiguous, which checks that each district in the plan is contiguous. This particular constraint is optimized for the single-flip proposal function we are using (hence the name). We could add more constraints to require that districts have nearly-equal population, to impose a bound on the compactness of the districts according to some score, or to prevent districts from splitting more counties than the original plan.


A function that takes a valid proposed state and returns True or False to signal whether the random walk should indeed move to the proposed state. always_accept always accepts valid proposed states. If you want to implement Metropolis-Hastings or any other more sophisticated acceptance criterion, you can specify your own custom acceptance function here.


The starting partition from which we would like to initiate our random walk.


The total number of steps to take. Invalid proposals are not counted toward this total, but rejected (by accept) valid states are.

For more information on the details of our Markov chain implementation, consult the gerrychain.MarkovChain documentation and source code.

The above code configures a Markov chain called chain, but does NOT run it yet. We run the chain by iterating through all of the states using a for loop. As an example, let’s iterate through this chain and print out the population of district 1.

i = 1
for partition in chain:
    print(f"Step {i} population for district 1: {partition['population'][1]}")
    i += 1

That’s all: you’ve run a Markov chain!

Coding Note

If the step information is important to the analysis that you’re doing, you can also iterate through the chain slightly more elegantly using the enumerate() function.

for i, partition in enumerate(chain):
    print(f"Step {i} population for district 1: {partition['population'][1]}")

Working With Elections

Of course, gerrychain was build for analyzing districting plans, so it seems like it would be important to be able to analyze election results. We can do this by adding an Election object to our Partition as an updater. To do this, we’ll need to import the Election class and change around our initial partition a bit.

from gerrychain import Election

# Set up the election updater. We give the election a name ("SEN12") and tell it
# which column in our shapefile holds the Democratic vote totals ("USS12D")
# and which column holds the Republican vote totals ("USS12R").
election = Election("SEN12", {"Dem": "USS12D", "Rep": "USS12R"})

initial_partition_2 = Partition(
        "population": Tally("TOT_POP", alias="population"),
        "cut_edges": cut_edges,
        "SEN12": election

You can see that the new election that we have added here is called "SEN12" and we placed in the updaters dictionary so that we can track it for every partition across the Markov chain. Here we have also given the election the name "SEN12" and we told gerrychain that the Democratic vote share, which we call "Dem" is stored in the "USS12D" attribute of our file. Likewise, we told gerrychain that the Republican vote share, which we call "Rep" is stored in the "USS12R" attribute.

Now, we just need to make a new chain, and we can print off some election data!

from gerrychain.constraints import contiguous

chain_2 = MarkovChain(

for (i, partition) in enumerate(chain_2):
    print(f"Step {i} Democratic vote share for district 1: "

Coding Note

The :0.4f in the above code is a formatting string that tells Python to print the preceding number with four decimal places. This is just a formatting string, and is not specific to gerrychain. Also, we have split the string onto different lines for the sake of readability since python automatically concatenates adjacent strings.

Using DataFrames to Collect Information

Printing out data is nice, but it’s not very useful for analysis. Instead, it would be good if we could collect all of the data from our Markov chain in a list and then convert it into a pandas DataFrame for analysis.

import pandas

d_percents = []
for partition in chain_2:
    # We use the sorted function here to ensure that the data is in the same order
    # as the districts assignments

data = pandas.DataFrame(d_percents)

Coding Note

A more elegant way of achieving the same result is to use a list comprehension instead of a for loop.

data = pandas.DataFrame(
    for partition in chain_2]


The above code will collect data from a different ensemble than the previous for loop. Each time we iterate through the chain object, we run a brand new Markov chain (using the same configuration that we defined when instantiating chain).

The pandas DataFrame object also has many helpful methods for analyzing and plotting data. For example, we can produce a boxplot of our ensemble’s Democratic vote percentage vectors, with the initial 2011 districting plan plotted in red, in just a few lines of code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax = data.boxplot(positions=range(len(data.columns)))
plt.plot(data.iloc[0], "ro")

From this, you should get something like the following:


(Before you over-analyze this data, keep in mind that this is a toy ensemble of just 1000 plans created by single flips.)

Next steps

To see a more elaborate example that uses the ReCom proposal, see Running a chain with ReCom.

To learn more about the specific components of GerryChain, see the API Reference.