Source code for gerrychain.graph.geo

This module contains functions for working with GeoDataFrames and Shapely
geometries. Specifically, it contains functions for handling and reprojecting
the Universal Transverse Mercator projection, and for identifying bad geometries
within a given GeoDataFrame.

from collections import Counter
from gerrychain.vendor.utm import from_latlon

# from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame

[docs]def utm_of_point(point): """ Given a point, return the Universal Transverse Mercator zone number for that point. """ return from_latlon(point.y, point.x)[2]
[docs]def identify_utm_zone(df: GeoDataFrame) -> int: """ Given a GeoDataFrame, identify the Universal Transverse Mercator zone number for the centroid of the geometries in the dataframe. """ wgs_df = df.to_crs("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs") utm_counts = Counter(utm_of_point(point) for point in wgs_df["geometry"].centroid) # most_common returns a list of tuples, and we want the 0,0th entry most_common = utm_counts.most_common(1)[0][0] return most_common
# Explicit type hint intentionally omitted here because of import issues.
[docs]def explain_validity(geo) -> str: """ Given a geometry that is shapely interpretable, explain the validity. Light wrapper around shapely's explain_validity. :param geo: Shapely geometry object :type geo: shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry :returns: Explanation for the validity of the geometry :rtype: str """ import shapely.validation return shapely.validation.explain_validity(geo)
[docs]def invalid_geometries(df): """ Given a GeoDataFrame, returns a list of row indices with invalid geometries. :param df: The GeoDataFrame to examine :type df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` :returns: List of row indices with invalid geometries :rtype: list of int """ invalid = [] for idx, row in df.iterrows(): validity = explain_validity(row.geometry) if validity != "Valid Geometry": invalid.append(idx) return invalid
[docs]def reprojected(df): """ Returns a copy of `df`, projected into the coordinate reference system of a suitable `Universal Transverse Mercator`_ zone. :param df: The GeoDataFrame to reproject :type df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` :returns: A copy of `df`, projected into the coordinate reference system of a suitable UTM zone. :rtype: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` .. _`Universal Transverse Mercator`: """ utm = identify_utm_zone(df) return df.to_crs( "+proj=utm +zone={utm} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs".format( utm=utm ) )
[docs]class GeometryError(Exception): """ Wrapper error class for projection failures. Changing a map's projection may create invalid geometries, which may or may not be repairable using the `.buffer(0)`_ trick. .. _`.buffer(0)`: """